Friday 2 February 2018

Convection's of different music videos

- Artist Performs 
- Narrative and elements of performance 
- Urban Settings
- Diverse representations
- Hardships

- Narrative - but conceptual narrative
- Artist not performing 
- Outside City - Suburban
- The Main character  limited representation
- Sometimes a sinister element

Intertextuality - the shaping of a media text though reference to another media text

Post modern approach - The text isn't aware of itself for example talking to the camera

In what ways does context impact the media text?
The different contexts:
- Social context - media products reflect society 
- Cultural context - reflects arts and culture
- Historical context  - how media products reflect historical events + social changes
- Political context - reflects political viewpoints, messages, values + beliefs

Cohen's Moral Panic:
- An example is Islamophobia
- new systems have dipped fed ideology about religion and everyone fears it 
- big issues credit discuss in media, could use in media texts to play with peoples fears e.g. young people's safety online 
Moral panics have been described as a condition, episode, person or group of persons which emerge to become defined as a threat to societal values and interests (Cohen, 1972, p.9). They often occur during times when society has been unable to adapt to significant change and when such change leads to a fear of a loss of control within the normal social structure.

Music Video deconstruction