Tuesday 31 October 2017

How does the treatment of the camera create meaning in real media texts?

Made with Padlet
In this lesson, we learned about camera shots and the purpose of why it was presented this way. Above are examples of some camera shots, swipe left to see more.

Somethings we learned about was:

- Objective treatment- treating the viewer as an observer, this keeps the camera still while the object moves.
- Subjective Treatment- the viewer is treated as a participant
- Dolly- long continuous shot where it causes cameraman to move
- Pan- when the camera goes from one object to another
- High angle shot- looking down on something, this gives the medium which you are looking down on a vulnerability effect
- Low angle shot- this is looking up which gives the medium you are looking up on a bigger, stronger and more powerful effect like they are in control

Monday 30 October 2017

Media terminology on the conventions of a magazine

In this lesson, we learned about the aspects of a magazine. I have simplified and hand created a mind map explaining these aspects and key terminology. We had been introduced to new terminology which we then used to deconstruct a magazine. Magazines such as 'The Big Issue' use these aspects to attract customers to then make a profit.



This link takes you to the website called 'evernote'. I had explained what the meaning of semiotics and gave some examples. Semiotics is the study of the meaning of signs which is explained in more detail in the link. Such signs do not in themselves mean anything at. People give them meaning, and it is the study of such meaning that is the purpose of semiotics.

Social Cultural and Political Context

Social context - environment of people that surround something creation or intended audiences
                        - Reflects how the people around something use or interpret it
                        - influence on how something is viewed for example when you see your favorite                                   singer on a video instead of real life

Cultural context- the way that media producers communicate with the people living in society
                          - culture is a shared experience of people that live in a society for example ear                                      piercings

Political context- reflects environment in which something is produced indicating its purpose or                                     motive
                          - often political messages which are intended to persuade one way or another

Within the big issue magazine, I had explored social, cultural and political context through different articles. The big issue is known for being liberal, focusing on socialism while promoting labor and liberal democrats. This magazine challenges the authority to support the poor.

One of the articles I had analyzed was "Will the poorest be better off after Brexit?"

This article gives both sides of the argument and explains that Brexit may have a positive and negative impact on the poor and homeless leaving the situation of Brexit unsure to people. On the positive side, this article states that Brexit would bring down prices of homes by 8% which would be more affordable to the poor as they already spend a large proportion of their income on food and rent. 'Less well-off households will get direct benefits from Brexit worth around 15 percent of their current income'.

On the negative side, this article states that there would be many job losses and poverty will increase as the jobs for the poor may no longer be. This because the regional economies are devastated due to the dependency on the trade of goods with the Eu. Brexit Britain could leave our economy in recession, resulting in thousands of job losses and lead to skeleton public services. None of this bodes well for the poorest and lowest paid.

In this lesson, we looked at how magazines (in this case, The Big Issue) refer to social, cultural and political attitudes towards wider beliefs and issues.

Sunday 29 October 2017

Why do men act and women appear?

This link takes you to a press that i have made based on the question 'Why do men act and women appear?'

This question is stating that usually in most films the men does all the action such as fighting and working and women are just there to look appealing and encourage 'The Male Glaze'. A typical example is sleeping beauty. The princess is in the castle waiting for the prince to come and rescue her by slaying dragons (action), and walking through dangerous forests while the princess is helplessly waiting for lover to come. In this example the male character which is the prince is doing all the hard work and action while the princes is just appearing and looking pretty in the castle.

Places in which women are vulnerable to be looked at is in horror movies in the bedroom or bathroom. This is because this please are the most likely where the character will be alone. Men look at women and women watch themselves being looked at.

Tuesday 3 October 2017

The Main Convictions of a Magazine

In my first lesson I had learned how to deconstruct a magazine, the image above shows my first attempt to do so. You can see the convections I had pointed out on this front cover of Michael Jackson. The font of 'Rollingstone' is serif which means that it has small decorative flourishes on the end of some of the letters, for example, the 'R'.

From an analytical point of view, I can see that the producers are trying to portray Michael Jackson as cool, powerful and bad as one of is songs is called 'Bad'. The producers purposely used clothing which contains metal chains and belts and is only of the colors black and silver. Stereotypically the rebellious popular cool youths and bikers (who usually attract the attention of girls) wear black clothing and silver chains. This gives the impression to the readers that the Michael Jackson is of these qualities. 

The use of red in this case represents power, danger, glory, and strength also the black color represents mystery. The producers chose these colors to represent Michael's success and personality but mostly to celebrate his '25th anniversary of BAD'.

Sunday 1 October 2017

The Media Theoretical Framework

Media Industries:
- This is how media industries process their production, distribution and circulation affect media form and platform,
- How they sell and distribute to us in order to make money

Media Audience:
-How the target audience react, considering that some audiences can react differently than how intended
-How the audience responds, interprets and become producers for example people can make memes out of the media

Media Representations:
 - This is how media is portrayed and some of the key representations are age, gender, ethnicity, social class, regional identity, sexuality ability and disability.
- Most of these representations are based on stereotypes and can be a bit exaggerated

Media Context:
- The background information of a product, this can affect the way the audience views the product
- The different types of context are:
- Social, how media reflects the community and the people
- Cultural, this reflects the arts and culture
- Historical, reflects historical events
- Economical, how media reflects the economical structure and position

Media Language:
- The way in which text is constructed to create meaning for a reader or viewer of the text
- This is what the director is using to communicate with the audience through images, a particular type of model, speech, actions, expression, presentation, font etc.

The Nine Forms Of Media

First Post

Hey! My name is Anjeni and i am studying media at Norbury Manor. Welcome to my blog where i'll be posting my developments, initial ideas and knowledge I've learned during my lessons leading to my final projects.