Monday 30 October 2017

Social Cultural and Political Context

Social context - environment of people that surround something creation or intended audiences
                        - Reflects how the people around something use or interpret it
                        - influence on how something is viewed for example when you see your favorite                                   singer on a video instead of real life

Cultural context- the way that media producers communicate with the people living in society
                          - culture is a shared experience of people that live in a society for example ear                                      piercings

Political context- reflects environment in which something is produced indicating its purpose or                                     motive
                          - often political messages which are intended to persuade one way or another

Within the big issue magazine, I had explored social, cultural and political context through different articles. The big issue is known for being liberal, focusing on socialism while promoting labor and liberal democrats. This magazine challenges the authority to support the poor.

One of the articles I had analyzed was "Will the poorest be better off after Brexit?"

This article gives both sides of the argument and explains that Brexit may have a positive and negative impact on the poor and homeless leaving the situation of Brexit unsure to people. On the positive side, this article states that Brexit would bring down prices of homes by 8% which would be more affordable to the poor as they already spend a large proportion of their income on food and rent. 'Less well-off households will get direct benefits from Brexit worth around 15 percent of their current income'.

On the negative side, this article states that there would be many job losses and poverty will increase as the jobs for the poor may no longer be. This because the regional economies are devastated due to the dependency on the trade of goods with the Eu. Brexit Britain could leave our economy in recession, resulting in thousands of job losses and lead to skeleton public services. None of this bodes well for the poorest and lowest paid.

In this lesson, we looked at how magazines (in this case, The Big Issue) refer to social, cultural and political attitudes towards wider beliefs and issues.

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