Sunday 29 October 2017

Why do men act and women appear?

This link takes you to a press that i have made based on the question 'Why do men act and women appear?'

This question is stating that usually in most films the men does all the action such as fighting and working and women are just there to look appealing and encourage 'The Male Glaze'. A typical example is sleeping beauty. The princess is in the castle waiting for the prince to come and rescue her by slaying dragons (action), and walking through dangerous forests while the princess is helplessly waiting for lover to come. In this example the male character which is the prince is doing all the hard work and action while the princes is just appearing and looking pretty in the castle.

Places in which women are vulnerable to be looked at is in horror movies in the bedroom or bathroom. This is because this please are the most likely where the character will be alone. Men look at women and women watch themselves being looked at.

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